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Used symbols

This page explains the symbols used in the rendered graphs. Currently there are two groups of symbols: Future versions of x2svg will also show attributes of the elements.

Content model

Choice symbol
Elements enclosed can used alternatively. You have the choice.

Sequence symbol
Elements enclosed need to be issued in the order given here. They need to come in a sequence.

Inheritance symbol
This symbol specifies that the elements on the right side inherit from those on the left. It is mostly used within XML Schema.
Substitution symbol
This symbol specifies that the elements on the right side define a type/substitution group for those on the left. It is mostly used within XML Schema.


Empty element box
This symbol is an empty element box and is sort of an abstract element. On the left side, the cardinalities are shown as 'from' on the bottom and 'to' at the top. So here we have an elment that can occour any number of times.
The fact that the element is optional is also shown by the dashed border.

Normal Element - here as Text node
This symbol denotes an element with name f. The folding sign in the upper right corner shows that this is a text node. Example:

Element with a reference
The circled arrow in the top right corner denotes that this element has already been defined further up in the tree (towards the root element) and that its definition would end up in an endless loop. Example:
	<!ELEMENT b (a,c)>
	<!ELEMENT a (b,d)>

Anonymous container
This symbol denotes a anonymous element group within an element declaration. Example:
		<!ELEMENT a (b,(c|d)*,e)>
Here (c|d) is an anonymous container for enclosed elements c and d. As you can see from the enclosed content model symbol, this is an anonymous container with a choice.

Empty element
The little zero in the top right corner denotes this element as an empty element. Example:

Abstract Element (XSD use)
The abstract element, denoted by the little A in the top right corner, is an element that can not be used on its own, but which stands as a placeholder for other elements that inherit from this abstract element. This element type is mostly used within XML Schema.
Substitution Element (XSD use)
The substitution element, denoted by the little T in the top right corner, is an element that can not be used on its own, but which denotes a type/substitution group that will not be described further (in subtree form). This element type is mostly used within XML Schema.